Chiropractic Software

Our Mission Is To Help The Chiropractor. With FormSmith you can draw on the experience we have gained by operating and assisting chiropractic clinics, supporting our software and teaching insurance workshops to chiropractic offices all over the country. About Us 

This Is What You Can Expect FormSmith To Do For You


Patient Accounting

FormSmith will record and track all the services and payments that occur in a patient’s ledger.

Sales tax is tracked and tax reports are generated.

Vitamins, vitamin inventory with low inventory reports and the income generated by vitamin sales can be tracked.

Escrow funds can be tracked when services are collected for in advance.


Appointment Schedueling

Schedule appointments, track missed appointments, send email reminders and even make multiple appointments for a patient.

Appointments may be setup in 5, 10, 15 or 30 minute intervals and the appointments are color coded and can span multiple appointment slots.


Electronic Claims

Filing Your Claims Electronically Has Many Benefits
  • With FormSmith you can get your claims paid in 7-14 days
  • Electronically post your EOBs
  • Save on claim forms, office supplies and postage
  • Reduce staff time devoted to claim processing

Click this button for an introduction to electronic claims.

Click Here 

File and Track Insurance

Claims are processed with a mouse click.

Paper and electronic claims are generated. Claims are checked prior to filing. Claims with errors are not processed until the information is corrected.


FormSmith records the EOBs (the explanation of benefits) and the payments made by the insurance companies.

With FormSmith you can manually enter and verify an EOB in balance without having to retrieve each patient’s ledger. Electronic EOBs can be processed with just a mouse click.

Manual Demo   Electronic Demo

Patient Charting

FormSmith will help you meet your ethical and legal responsibility to maintain complete and accurate records on your patients.

Create S.O.A.P notes with a few mouse clicks.

Add your own custom scripts which can be quickly inserted onto charts.



There are complete training videos for the software online.

Here you or your staff can learn the complete setup and operation of the system.

This training is available 24/7 so anyone can be trained anywhere anytime.



We think that when you call for support you should be able to talk to someone.
  • Our support is by telephone.
    • Not live chat.
    • Not email.
    • Not knowledge base.
  • Our calls are never routed overseas.
  • Updates to the program are installed with a click of your mouse
  • Our annual ongoing support fee is only $350 per year

“We’re Here To Help You”

If you need powerful, reliable, supported and easy to use practice management software then this should be your choice.